Angie Barrett


115 W Court St.
Room M
Paris, IL 61944

PH: 217-466-7447
FAX: 217-466-7443

Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Excluding Legal Holidays


Angela BarrettCourt Disability Coordinator Contact
115 West Court St
Paris, Illinois 61944

Edgar County Circuit Clerk

I am pleased to welcome you to our web site! It is designed to provide you with information about the Circuit Clerk’s Office and to help you navigate through the court system.

The Circuit Clerk is a state constitutional officer elected by the citizens of Edgar County for a four-year term.  It is a non-judicial office of the Judicial Branch of Illinois State government. The Circuit Clerk’s office maintains all Circuit Court records for both civil and criminal cases.  I am committed to serving the citizens of Edgar County in a timely, efficient and competent manner as they participate in the judicial system.

This page provides links to download forms and view online information for cases filed in the 5th Judicial Circuit.  We are always working to improve our site.  If you have any suggestions to help us better serve you, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of my staff.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

Angela R. Barrett

Circuit Clerk

Filing Fee Schedule

  • Adoption (AD) $89

  • Chancery (CH) $306

    Appearance       $181

  • Dissolution

    Divorce with Children (DC)           $306

    Divorce no Children (DN)              $306

    Entry of Appearance                        $181

  • Eminent Domain (ED) $306

    Appearance & Answer   $181

  • Evictions (EV)

    Residential or Commercial

    Ejectment (possession only)        $89

    Ejectment and back rent               $256

    Appearance by Respondent          $109

  • Family (FA) $306

  • Foreclosure (FC)

    Residential or Commercial         $306

    Appearance by Respondent        $181

  • Guardianship (GR)

    Action of ward/no administration             $256

    Admin Estate of Disabled Adult                 $256

    Admin Estate of Minor                                 $256

    Guardianship of Person w/disability         $256

    Guardianship of Minor                                 $256

    Wrongful Death                                             $256

    Each estate accounting (except for final) $25

  • Law (LA)

    Claims over $50,000                   $306

    Appearance by Respondent        $181

  • Law Magistrate (LM)

    Up to $15,000                              $256

    $15,000-$50,000                        $306

    Appearance by Respondent        $181

  • Mental Health (MH) $0

  • Miscellaneous Remedy (MR)

    Name Change    $306

    Demolition          $306

    Corporate Dissolution    $306

    Review of administrative decisions (other than of a tax commission)         $306

    Appearance by Respondent        $181

  • Orders of Protection (OP) $0

  • Probate (PR)

    Admin of Decedent’s Estate        $356

    Each Estate Claim

    • $0-$150               $0
    • $150.01-$500      $25
    • $500.01-$10,000                $40
    • $10,000.01 or above      $60

    For each estate accounting (except final)               $25

    Certified Copies Letters of Office               $2 per page

  • Small Claims (SC)

    • $0-$2500              $89
    • $2501-$10,000   $256
  • Tax (TX)

    Annual Tax Sale $306

    Drainage Assessment     $306

    Tax Commission (Review of Decision)      $306

    Tax Refund/Objection   $306

    Appearance Fee/Take Notice     $181

  • Miscellaneous Fees

    Alias Summons/Citation $5

    Certified Copy any document     $10

    Certified Exemplified      $12

    Change of Venue             $40

    Counter Petition/Complaint/3rd party    $125

    Criminal Adult Expungement      $60

    Order of Expungement $4

    Jury Services

    • 12 person            $212.50
    • 6 person              $106.25

    Mailing of Documents    $10 plus postage

    Marriage Performed by Judge    $10

    Notice sent to Secretary of State               $40

    Petition to Vacate or Modify

    • filed within 30 days         $50
    • filed w/in 30 days (Counter Petition)     $75

    Record Search   $6

    Reproduction of any document

    • First page            $2
    • Next 19 pages    $.50
    • All additional pages         $.25

    Return Check Fee             $25

    Return Receipt Certified                 $7.82